Transforming Lives   تعلیم سہولت کی ساتھ

Double Shift Schools (DSS)

Double shift education refers to a system where a school functions in two separate sessions, typically accommodating two groups of students, one in the morning shift and the other in the evening shift. Double shift schools offer a range of substantial benefits, contributing to the optimization of educational resources and broader access to quality learning. By efficiently utilizing existing infrastructure and resources, these schools effectively address the educational needs of a larger number of students, particularly in regions where space and resources are limited.

Double Shift Schools (DSS)
District DSS Established Staff Local Learners Afghan Refugees Total
Female Male Total Female Male Total Female Male Total Female Male Total Female Male Total
NOWSHERA 27 7 34 121 42 163 0 0 246 2041 2287
PESHAWAR 19 20 39 56 104 160 0 0 1258 2095 3353
SWABI 31 28 59 162 238 400 0 0 1068 1138 2206
HARIPUR 0 18 18 0 112 112 0 0 3977 5274 9251

Demographics of Local and Afghan Male and Female
Total No of Female and Male DSS Students

Total No of Female DSS and Male DSS Established
Total No of Female DSS Teachers and Male DSS Teachers
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