Transforming Lives   تعلیم سہولت کی ساتھ


Early Childhood Education

Early childhood education (ECE) is a critical means of narrowing the educational divide between privileged and underprivileged children, particularly in low-income and rural regions. In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the government has made explicit commitments to ECE through various education sector plans and blueprints. The latest ECE policy aims to provide a comprehensive roadmap to effectively deliver quality education to the province's young children. The government recognizes that investing in ECE is more beneficial and cost-effective than addressing these issues later on in life. As a result, the KPHCIP intervention strives to establish 1000 ECE centers in the province that will provide a diverse range of learning experiences in an encouraging environment, delivered by highly trained teachers. By nurturing the well-being and development of future generations, this program aims to have a lasting impact on the province's communities and economy. The KPHCIP intervention is a vital component of the government's strategy to support ECE in the region. The establishment of ECEs centers demonstrate the commitment of stakeholders to providing high-quality education to the children of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. With these measures, the KPHCIP intervention seeks to enhance the accessibility and quality of ECE in the province and provide a strong foundation for children's future success.

Glimpse of ECE Rooms

Summary of ECE Updates

District Target
Peshawar 112
Nowshera 117
Swabi 119
Haripur 152
Total 500

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