Transforming Lives   تعلیم سہولت کی ساتھ


School Upgradation

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Human Capital Investment Project is a World Bank-funded initiative aimed at improving the availability, utilization, and quality of education services in selected districts. As part of this project, 200 primary schools will be upgraded to middle schools, and 80 middle schools will be upgraded to high schools. The selection of schools for upgradation will be based on established criteria, such as overcrowding, distance to the nearest schools, projected enrollment, and the quality of physical infrastructure, as determined by the Education and Social Welfare Department (E&SED). The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Human Capital Investment Project is aligned with the national objectives for the country as well as the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's strategic vision for the education sector. The project aims to improve the performance of the education sector and support girls' education and vulnerable populations. The upgradation of these schools will help address the issue of limited educational opportunities for students in these areas. By providing additional classrooms, teachers, and resources, students will have access to a better quality of education and be better prepared for higher education and the workforce. The project will prioritize climate-resilient, environmentally friendly, and universally designed infrastructure, where feasible, including the installation of solar power systems to promote energy efficiency. Additionally, the project will provide technical assistance to review and update school construction standards, as well as support the design and supervision of all construction and rehabilitation activities.

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